Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Playing Catch-up: March

Ok. Lemme pause to think back.

Table of Contents:
--ASL Idol
--new piercing
--Spring break

I think that is all :)

ASL Idol:

I auditioned for ASL Idol where we sign music or sign poetry/stories. Of course, I signed music. I did "The Best Damn Thing" by Avril Lavigne and then "Like A Boy" by Ciara. There were 9 total contestants, and I advanced to the top four (or was it five? I don't remember) but didn't make it in the top three (the judges didn't like my second song as much, so that blew it for me. My first song was AWESOME!)

New Piercing:

I got a new piercing. (Duh.) It's a lip piercing, on the right side of my lip. I love it so much. Right now, there's a ring in it, but I'm switching between a ring and a stud. I like them both; it just depends on how I wanna look--the ring makes me look more...how do you say...tougher? It's more punk-ish and whatever it just makes me look different. With my stud, it's cleaner, more classic and "pretty"...This piercing makes ten altogether :). I'm planning on getting my nose pierced next, and now there's a new piercing on my list! (Thanks, Fred/blue fuzzies! xoxo)

Spring Break:

um. Let's just say what happens in spring break stays at spring break. But I'll just divulge a leeetle bit of detail. I went to Acapulco, Mexico for spring break with MTV's Student City. It was craaazy and I had a blasttt.


My mom, the extreme hardcore cat lover, got a dog. She's a Deaf Australian cattle dog. Gray with black spots all over. Super adorable. With one brown and one icy blue eye. Unfortunately, a week or so later, she realized how much she liked cats better and gave the dog back to the animal shelter...

I was gonna take her and keep her for myself, but then my dad said he didn't want to have a dog in the house when I came home for summers, so there went that plan.

I'm still heartbroken over losing Fyeth.

SOOO, that's it really...

next post, Catching up on the last two weeks or so and what's up with me now...

(Side note: today, I'm going out to dinner with my sister (College Sister) and a couple of friends for her early birthday dinner, so that'll be fun :D )

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