Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This is one of my favorite blogs to read, and in the holiday spirit, I think she said it all.

So please, follow this link to her blog and read the post.

Happy Holidays!

"How I Came to Believe in Santa" by DaMomma a.k.a. Elizabeth


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays

So I probably won't be posting a new blog until after Christmas or New Year's, so I'm taking this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah

(my family's half Jewish and half Catholic so...yeah)

Whatever you celebrate, may the year 2008 close well and may the year 2009 start off with a bang!

Happy Holidays to you and yours from me :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

answers to the game :)

Whoops, so Tuesday or Wednesday turned into Saturday

My mind doesn't function very well on winter break, sue me :)

here goes!

Bye-bye, kiss-kiss -- me and mom saying bye and kissing her two cats

Zoom zoom -- driving mom's car

Vroom vroom -- driving the rental car

Snore snore -- me sleeping :)

Chomp chomp -- me snacking on those yummy Chicken Biskit crackers :)

Bom-a bom-a bum bum bum boom-a boom-a boom boom boom -- me listening to my music!

Slurp slurp, slurp slurp -- mom and me drinking our starbucks drinks

Thunk-thunk-thunk-BUMP....BUMP-thunk-thunk-thunk -- the stupid road that had like stripes of tar that made the car vibrate everytime we went over them, and the zillions of bridges that we went over.

Drip drop -- the neverending rain

Grr grr -- me being grouchy at the slow drivers in front of me that refuse to move to the middle lane.

Roar roar -- me speeding up to pass them

Look look -- mom telling me to look at my speedometer

Growl growl -- me getting mad at mom

Nibble nibble -- me and mom eating our chocolate chip cookie that we got at starbucks

There there -- me directing mom to our hotel

yay yay! -- me and mom's arrival!

:D any correct guesses?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the town that we're staying at.

Ok, so this is Hicksville, Tennessee. I mean, literally.

There's such a strange mish-mash of things here.

They have these hippy-dippy street names such as Strawberry Plains, Mellowsweet, and Wood Song thrown in with your generic Kennedy, Draper, and Lora street names.

I saw, oh, let's say, maybe 234,748,323 pick-up trucks and commonplace sedans, along with a couple of suburbans, Jeeps, and vans thrown in for good measure. And there we were, cruising along in our bright blue PT Cruiser rental. Boy, did we stick out.

And one of the cars we pulled up alongside was SCARY. I mean she had a pasty, doughy face with one of those mouths that just gaped at you. She had a old pair of 1970's style glasses that took up half of her face and was maybe as thick. She also had a old shirt with faded bright pink and blue flowers on it. I could SWEAR I saw her in Texas Chainsaw Massacre as the murderer's mother or something like that.

The sign for the college we were headed to, Johnson Bible College, had 5 signs for churches next to it. Five. And they were all different churches, mind you.

The players at the College had..."unusual" mascots. The male team's mascot was the Preachers. The female team's mascot was Evangelicals. Can you see it? "We are the Mighty Preachers, hear us quote scripture!" Just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Since they're so religious, they're the nicest mean team I've ever seen. They'd foul so hard that our boys'd fall down, and then they'd offer a hand to help you up. Love thy enemy and all that jazz, I guess.

And last of all. I saw something that I NEVER thought I'd ever see again. I will just put a picture here. It'll say everything for me.

That scrunchie. Hairy, bright colored, scrunchie.

If I ever have to live in this kind of town, shoot me.

Backseat Drivers

Why is it that mothers are always backseat drivers? I mean, she was literally restraining herself from crawling into my seat and taking the wheel from me.

We were driving along in our brilliantly blue PT Cruiser rental and I was doing 80 (the speed limit was 70). She told me to "SLOW DOWN". I'm like...I'm not doing THAT much over the speed limit (Everyone knows that the speed limit is just a suggestion and you're supposed to do at least 5 MPH over the speed limit!)

Then she said I was driving too fast for this little car. I just gaped at her and then finally gathered my wits and said, "If 80 MPH was too fast for this car, they wouldn't have put 120 on the speedometer." At this, she said, "I don't care, slow down." So I didn't have any choice except to slow down.


She was snoozing in the seat next to me and every time (I mean, EVERY TIME) she woke up, she'd make a comment, and then go back to sleep.

"You're too close to that truck."

"Slow down, you're going too fast."

"Stay in the middle lane if you're not going to pass anyone."

At this point, I just yelled at her to leave me alone.

At the next restroom stop, when I came back from the bathroom, she was sitting resolutely in the driver seat. And then she proceeded to drive at 65 MPH for the rest of the trip.

There you have it, my mother! I love her anyway :)

Oh yes, and the question of the year.

"Why does the 'expected arrival time' on the GPS keep increasing? It was 4:17 and now it's 4:24...does that mean I'm driving too slow?"

um. YES!

Sounds and Sensations of my trip to Tennessee!

Ok, this is the first of several posts about my trip to Tennessee.

I promise, it'll be read-worthy :)

First one--this is a game, let's see if you can figure out what each part is :) the answers will be posted tomorrow (or wednesday)

Here goes!

Bye-bye, kiss-kiss

Zoom zoom

Vroom vroom

Snore snore

Chomp chomp

Bom-a bom-a bum bum bum boom-a boom-a boom boom boom

Slurp slurp, slurp slurp


Drip drop

Grr grr

Roar roar

Look look

Growl growl

Nibble nibble

There there

yay yay!

:) have fun guessing

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Encore of Cheering Boy!

So guess who I saw today at the MSSD vs. MSD basketball game?

You guessed it, Cheering Boy!

(No, his friend, Wave Girl, wasn't there. At least, I didn't see her.)

This time, Cheering Boy chose to show his spirit as the school mascot!

This way, he could dance all he wanted on the floor without anyone pelting him with candy and telling him to sit down.

In the space of 2 hours, he did perhaps 3 or 4 different styles of dance.

There was the hoedown, which was performed behind the cheerleaders while they were doing their halftime performance. Yes, a hoedown. He was doing this kind of weird step and kick routine, which evolved into a high sideways-kicking dance. A true, bona fide, hoedown.

And then there was the striptease dance. He was crawling around on the floor, shaking his booty and shrugging his shoulders in a suggestive way. While dressed as an eagle. Yyyyup.

Then there was the Russian dance. Yes, the bend-down-until-your-knees-are-90-degrees, kicking-with-your-arms-crossed kind of dance. Don't ask me why.

Lastly, there was the break dancing. At least the attempt at break dancing. He did cartwheels up and down the floor which ended with a fanfare when he fell flat onto his stomach. And then he attempted a headstand and fell flat on his back.

I saw him after the game with his mascot costume off and he was sweating like a pig.

Good times. Side-busting good times.

my rib and the journey to heal it

Soooo my rib has been hurting since Saturday morning (the 6th)...

I don't know how, so don't ask... it just hurt when I woke up in the morning...

At first, it felt like that side cramp you get when you run a lot and you need water...so I drank a lot of water...it didn't go away...

instead, it got steadily worse. It got to the point that I couldn't breathe out fully, there was a bump on my chest UNDER my breast, (this is important, you'll see why...), and then I couldn't sleep well anymore.

After talking with the parents, they wanted me to go to the health center here on campus. So I did, being the obedient daughter and all.

I waited for 30 minutes to see the nurse, and then as soon as I said I could feel a bump UNDER my breast, she wanted to feel it. After poking around, she said there's a lump and she wanted the other nurse to check it out. So I obligated and went and waited for the other nurse. She and the other nurse discussed amongst themselves and then she asked me when my last period was...I told her, then she said oh, your breast might be hurting because of that, sometimes that happens. I'm like...my breast isn't hurting, it's my rib. She said, "I understand that, but you have a lump in your breast, so we would like you to come back tomorrow and see the other nurse."

"But it isn't in my breast, it's my rib."

"Ribs are on the side of your body."

"Um, they start in the middle of my chest."

"Yes, I understand that, but we want you to come back tomorrow to check on that lump in your breast, please take this Motrin and come back tomorrow.

"But it has nothing to do with my breast! I feel popping and it hurts when I move so it has to be my rib."

"Yes, I understand that, but I felt a lump in your breast."

at which point I just took the motrin and left.

So today, I decided to go to Urgent Care and have it checked out (with much urging from my parents).

So Goofy took me and we drove around for nearly 2 hours trying to find it (jesus christ I have bad luck with urgent care) and then when we got there, the examination room was SCARY.

I mean, white walls, flickering light, little mexican nurses, scary. It looked like a place that I'd wake up in two hours later with my kidney missing.

Then this kindly looking mid-50's woman who was the doctor came in. She felt the bump and said she feels the rib.

I'm like, "HALLELUJAH! Yes, it IS the rib."

So it's costochronitis which is a virus that causes the cartilage between my rib and septum to swell...so it's like a cartilage cold...so I have to take prescription-strength Motrin and then it'll go away in a while.

All that hassle, and I end up having to take Motrin. I guess the health center DOES know what they have to prescribe, even if it's for the wrong thing.

Good times.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Door-blocker, stair-blocker, and fun-freer!

Door-blockers and stair-blockers. You've all experienced them.

that person who stops in front of the doorway and decides to put on her sweater. Blocking the other five students behind her trying to get out.

Or that group of people who decided that they simply HAVE to catch up immediately, right outside the doorway. Forcing you to go through or around them.

And the stair-blockers. Just as bad. They decide to start talking and stand side-by-side and chat away while people have to push and shove through them.

And today I had to go to my final project presentation and this group of staff/faculty decided to take their group picture on the stairway. The only stairway from the downstairs to the upstairs. And they took 15 minutes doing it. While I was glaring at them and trying to mentally tell them to HURRY UP!

Anyway, speaking of final project presentations, that is now known as fun-freer! I am now FREE to have FUN because I am OFFICIALLY DONE WITH THIS SEMESTER!


now I'm free to go home


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

For this one night

found this quote online and liked it...

it'll be my motto tonite :)

"Just for this one night I will not think about you. I will have fun, and laugh again. And enjoy every minute. Tomorrow I will deal with the hangover." ~Tigress Luv, The Breakup Guru

cheer up!

Ok, time for a more positive post...

wouldn't want my readers to become all dreary like me and quit reading my blog :)

anyway, today I finished everything I'll need to do...tomorrow I have to present my project then I AM DONE FOR THE SEMESTER! WHOO!

soon am gonna start packing, loading the car, cleaning room, and other various things to get ready to GO HOME on saturday!

I SO can't wait!

The middle of the night

It's the middle of the night that hurts the most

the time when I'm unable to sleep

Clean Freak's got her boyfriend

Sweetie's got her friends

College Sister's got Goofy

Who do I have?

The TV.

It's the middle of the night where I hurt the most.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

...maybe not

i just reread my previous post and i was angry when i typed that

now that i've cooled off....maybe not...

i don't want to share everything on this blog because it's too personal

but i'm just really confused and lonely right now...

watching P.S. I Love You probably didn't help..ha

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm done

I’m done with believing you.

I’m done with crying over you.

I’m done with trusting you with my heart.

Look at where it has gotten me.

I'm done with thinking of you

I’m done with waiting for you.

I’m done with looking for you in the crowd.

I’m still alone.

I’m done with needing your support.

I’m done with forgiving you.

I’m done with staying by your side.

You’re the one who hurt me.

I’m just done.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm baaaack

Firstly, i apologize for not posting anything in like forever.

I've been busy.

I have a paper due on tuesday that could make or break my getting into the English Major so i'm kind of freaking out about it.

on a more positive note, THIS WEEK IS MY LAST WEEK FOR THE SEMESTER! woo hoo! I'm going hoooome on saturday :D I can't wait

anyhoo, just wanted to drop a note for my loyal readers out there (*scoffs* who am i kidding? ha) that i'm NOT dead, but busy :)

I'll post a better post next time, I PROMISE :)


P.S. oh, and yes i have got my haircut :D it looks gorgeous now, even if its really short haha