Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm giggling with glee.

Ok, so yes, I'm still alive.

It's almost the end of the week so now the first week and half of the semester is almost done already. It still feels like just yesterday that I was arriving here, but then everyone says that.

I know that I haven't posted in like forever, but I was trying to wait until something funny or exciting happened to me, because I didn't want any old post saying I did this, I went to that class...I know you're not interested in that kind of thing

Anyway, the reason I posted today was to share my glee about my finally being accepted into the English major!

Everyone keeps saying, oh why are you even wondering if you'd make it, it's a given, you'd make it in without batting an eyelash.

But let me share my story of my horrible paper last semester.

Ok, we had a 8-12 page paper due at the end of the class last semester, and I had to pass that class with a 78% or above to make it into the major. That paper was also almost 50% of my grade, and hence I really had to do well on the paper to ensure that I'd get in.

So, I was really struggling with understanding just what the teacher wanted us to do with the paper. I typed it up, handed it in, and the teacher was like, "Oh, not quite, you need to organize it better." Um. Ok. So I overhauled my paper and changed the order of it and everything and basically turned in a completely different paper in. Again, "Oh, not quite. You're not really focusing on the theory and how it applies to the book." What?!?!?

Then the teacher'd send out general feedback, "Some of you have a problem with this, and some of you have problems with that." I'm like...does that apply to me? I don't think it does. But what if it does? you can see where I was stuck at.

So during our group discussion, someone asked a question and it was like a lightbulb suddenly shining above my head. Oh. OH. OH. I get it now.

So I overhauled my paper again and then handed it in, and the teacher was like, "Yes! That's it!" It took me everything to prevent myself from jumping up and dancing on top of her desk.

Soooo then that was my first (third) draft, and after her feedback, I went back and edited it some more, and then asked her for a final review before handing it in for the deadline. But no, she was too busy. So I basically had to hand in my first (third) draft without any more editing and improving.

See why I was nervous? Who hands in their first draft for the final grade? But it turns out, I undestimated my first draft writing abilities. I got a 85% on it, and then got 86% overall in my class. So.

Ready, let's all do it together.


That was last semester. I just found out today that I have offically been accepted into the English major! :D

So if you see some random person jumping around, giggling manically, with a huge smile on her face, that might be me. Just maybe.