Friday, October 31, 2008

College Costumes

I can already predict my pattern: posting a lot of blogs (a couple a day) at first, and then it'll slowly reduce to once a day, then a couple of times a week....oh well :)

Anyway, so today's Halloween. Obviously. So people dress up around here. There was a lot of fairies, sexy nurses, vampires and various monsters, and drag queens.

Yes, I said drag queens.

I don't know why, but for the two years I've been here, the majority of the male costumes here are drag queens. And its not your typical man in a dress type of costume, it's an all-out stuffed-bra, chunky jewelry, dress, high heels, wig, make-up, fake nails, type of costume.

It's just freaky.

And they could actually pass as a female! Take one, for example. This morning, I saw a woman with a really cute pair of yellow rain boots, jeans, a sparkly top, lots of bangles and chunky jewelry, and a cute afro walk into the Academic Advisor office. I was actually thinking, "Oh, cute outfit! Where could I get a pair of those boots?"...until I noticed that she had a beard. I was actually unsure whether it was a fake beard that was painted on or it was actually real. I had to deliberate for a minute until I saw a friend walk up to him, do a double take, and say "wow, nice costume!"

Those were the scariest costumes people had on today.


  1. don't you realize this offends gay people? i can see this blog is old, but want you to realize what you said degraded them.

    you can say whatever you want, but need to think twice that this is degrading them.

    think outside the box.

    and did you watch stacey's video the B sign? i hope you will be taught the lesson.

  2. I never intended this as a degradatory, just marveling at how efficently they were costumed.

    I have nothing against gay people, in fact I'm friends with many gay people

    They chose to dress up that way, knowing that they'd get reactions like that.

    I did not insult them or make fun of them, I was simply stating that there were some very realistic drag queens walking around that day...
